Promo Policy

Please Note: Our checkout allows one coupon code per order, offers cannot be combined.

Special Offers & Seasonal Coupons

  • Save 20% on smART Sketcher 2.0 Gift Bundle. To claim your discount, enter the code BUNDLE20 at checkout. Please note: This discount cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotions.

Email Sign-Up Promo

  • Save 10% on your first order only at only. 

Important: Valid only on full-priced items. One coupon code or discount per order; cannot be combined with other offers unless otherwise stated. Offer is valid for 30 days from sign-up and does not apply to previous purchases, shipping, or taxes. Available while supplies last and only on in-stock products. Not redeemable for cash or store credit. Additional restrictions may apply. Offer is subject to change without notice, and the company reserves the right to end the promotion early. Not intended for use by resellers.